AICE and a focus on differentiation and service proves successful Opportunity
Sean Langton, Practice Manger from Forestway Optometry, shared his thoughts on AICE (Addictive Irresistible Customer Experiences).
We had access to great products and knew that in the digital age and with our demographic engaging in a range of sports and hobbies that a “one pair will be fine for everything” solution was not realistic. But we were not communicating this to our patients for fear of appearing like salespeople rather than medical based professionals – especially as people are aware from aggressive marketing by the big chains that our price point is already higher. This meant that we were not always fully meeting the requirements of our patients and that our financial indicators remained fairly flat.
We knew something needed to be done and that we wanted to target each and every person that came to us as an individual to meet their needs. The question was how to do this?
As Comprehensive Members we had an excellent opportunity to benefit from the support and expertise of a great marketing and business support team as well as excellent programs, especially AICE (Addictive Irresistible Customer Experiences).
Analysis of Alternatives
We had previously had a rather scattered approach and tried implementing some of what we had learnt individually to avoid too much change in one go. This had limited success and often we would slip back to the previous way of doing things. We also considered utilising more competitive offers such as the “two for one” that some companies made accessible to us.
Recommended Solution
We ultimately decided against using free second pair solutions as we did not feel this placed us where we wanted to be. The AICE course started at the same time and aligned perfectly with how we felt independent optometry should be viewed. The focus on differentiation and service was exactly what we wanted and AICE helped us achieve this in several ways. The creating of a store vision and mission statement gave us a physical and succinct reminder of why we do what we do and what we believe in – which ultimately is to help people and deliver top quality customer service.
As the Practice Manager and previously as a senior staff member I have been responsible for implementing the changes, however the full team is involved in how I set them up as it needs to make sense to everyone and be as smooth a process for both the team and our patients as is possible. Change is always a challenge as everyone needs to consistently act on the changes until they become the new habits. I feel the reason this has been successful for us is the whole team involvement and the feedback on how successful these changes have been.
We started overhauling the customer journey towards the end of last year by implementing a Welcome to Practice and Welcome Back to Practice email with a link to our website where the patients fill out lifestyle information to give us an understanding of their individual requirements. This allows us to start conversations about different options at pre-test.
Key areas we focus on are:
- VDU usage – amount of time and type, eg desktop, laptops, tablets, multiple screens etc
- Sports and hobbies
- Time outside in the sun
- Areas where the current specs haven’t worked as well as they would like
This information is put on the forms that we give to the Optometrist ideally with a handover explaining what has already been discussed.
After attending AICE we stepped up our game on the pretest discussions as we realised our fear of suggesting more expensive products was holding us back from living our vision. Instead of gaining the information and not really using it we have started focusing on patient’s visual and lifestyle requirements. For example, we discuss high contrast single vision sunglasses for golf players, we talk about blue blocking coatings for VDU users and those that complain of disturbed sleeping patterns. We tell multifocal wearers that the compromise they are accepting in using a standard multifocal for desktop VDU work and never feeling totally comfortable can be resolved by individualised occupational lenses.
We provide holistic solutions based on clinical and lifestyle requirements. These discussions are noted on the pre-test form and ideally a handover to the optometrist takes place. The optometrist then uses the information to ensure the prescription reflects the patients needs and has an area on the form for what they prescribe.
Ensuring that the Optometrists are kept up to date with what products are available means that our patients are told by the person they most trust in store about better options and the advantage of multiple pairs.
At front of house we then use our knowledge to elaborate on why these products are so good and what positive affects they will have for the patient. Ultimately we are focused on their needs as opposed to just making a sale.
We start at the top advising them what is clinically best for them and if they are not willing or able to pay for this we then discuss other options and advise on what they will have to compromise on.
Although our focus is on service and product over price we are aware that people are price conscious and as such we offer 30% off each purchase bought within 3 months of a full price purchase. Even if they have already purchased multiple pairs we give every patient a transferrable gift voucher for 30% off a complete pair valid for 3 months from collection. I have added a reminder to be sent just before the 3 months is up as part of the communication plan to encourage return sales.
Usually an increased multiple pair percentage would cause a drop in average order value. However focusing on the patients’ needs and the most up to date products has resulted in multiple pairs climbing to a high of 33% in March with the average order value increasing substantially on the same period in 2015. This was only achieved through utilising the information and support provided by ProVision and by having the whole team on board so that at every point of the customer journey our patients are aware that we are focused on them and their needs.