A guide to help you set up your campaign for success.

Successful campaigns take planning! That’s why we have developed a 5-part guide – complete with an instructional video and brochure – to help you plan, execute and measure a successful marketing campaign.

We have developed this new Campaign Planning & Management guide and accompanying video (scroll down for both) to help you manage your campaigns successfully.

The programme covers 3 key areas:

Planning and Marketing – A good example to use is the End of Year Heal Fund campaign (EOYHF). ProVision provides you with  campaign options to choose from so that your campaign is relevant to your practice and your patient-base/demographic. Before the campaign kit arrives you can access a whole suite of marketing resources in both ProMarket and Drop Box (New Patient Marketing Kit) and start to plan your marketing options, Social Media content, recall plans – basically all the ways you are going to communicate your campaign to your patients. This section takes you through the planning and includes a timeline you can use for any campaign, covering all the main tasks or milestones along the way.

Reporting and Measures – This is a very important part of the campaign process but one that not everyone does. Setting measures or goals helps you tie your offer to outcomes. For example, if you have a second pair offer as part of your campaign, you would measure your second pair or multiple-pair results before, and then after, to see how successful or attractive the offer was. Reporting and Reviewing helps you to understand and evaluate how successful the campaign was overall. Importantly, it tells you what your return on investment was. This section provides ways of reviewing and measuring the results so that you have an understanding of whether you should repeat the offer, change it or stop it.

Team and Patient Involvement – Your team will help you drive any campaign, and your patient’s involvement is the key to knowing if it was a successful campaign or not. This section discusses the team meeting, setting up a campaign champion to help drive your campaign and how to engage new patients in your practice who haven’t been sent your offer and don’t know what you are currently offering.

The guide provides helpful tips and tools to help you plan, measure and review your campaigns so you can drive them to be more successful.

Ready to get started?

Download campaign planning & Management guide

Watch video (17 minutes)

Your facilitators:

ProVision Business Coaches Glen Fickling (VIC) and Joanne Scott-Dostine (NSW) bring with them decades of experience in both corporate and independent business, across optical and broader retail and franchising. They draw on their collective project-management and training expertise to bring you a simple yet effective approach to Campaign Planning & Management.


Please direct any questions to your dedicated Business Coach.

EOYHF 2021 Campaign Resource Hub
EOYHF 2021 Campaign Resource Hub
EOYHF Campaigns  | October – December 2021