Introducing the Frame Gallery

We’re thrilled to announce ProVision’s newest release, the eagerly awaited Frame Gallery feature on ProSupply. This feature harnesses ProSupply’s extensive database of 30,000 plus frames, enabling ProVision Members to effortlessly showcase the frames available in store on your website. You can choose the brands that you’d like to show, and you have the option of either linking the gallery directly or having your web developer add this to your website.

The objective is to provide prospective customers with a preview of the products that are available in practice prior to their visit, with the aim of boosting the likelihood that they will schedule an appointment.

ProSupply Frame Gallery – How to Guide

To create your frame gallery, click on he dropdown arrow at the top right hand corner of the page (1), then click on My Orders (2). Once the next page loads, click on Products Gallery (3) on the left.

You will be given a list of brands to choose from (4). Click on the number of brands you wish to have available on your website while holding down Ctrl if you wish to select multiple. Once you have completed your list, click on Save (5).

There is a standard embed code (6) that you can pass onto your web developer to then add this to your practice website.

Alternatively, you can link directly to your own frame gallery. The direct URL is under ‘Your Products Gallery URL’ (7). You also have the choice to add your practice logo which can link back to your practice website under ‘Your site logo’ (8) and ‘Your site URL’ (9).

You can access the instruction guide below, which includes references to each numbered section, for download. by clicking the link below. If you have any questions or feedback about this feature, please contact ProVision via or (03) 8544 3900 Option 4 for ProSupply.

What is Your Brand Story?
What is ProSupply?