The single most difficult thing to copy is exceptional customer service.

We live in a world where we are spoilt for choice, value and convenience, and the same cannot be said for good old fashioned, personalised customer service. The best performing retailers and service organisations understand that true growth occurs because their customers love doing business with them and sing their praises to neighbours, friends and colleagues. This is the only kind of growth that can be sustained over the long term. A face to face visit with your patient is the ideal time to create a WOW experience which generates positive word of mouth, patient loyalty and repeat visits.

ProWOW Experience in NSW

As the leaders in the Optics industry, our patients turn to us for not only for expert advice, but also for our opinions on style.

This practice in New South Wales took personalisation to the next level and made their favourite frames easy to identify and real for their patients. Team members each handpicked their favourite frames and their work experience team member handwrote the story behind each team member’s selection on a tag. The tags were then placed on the frames and put back on the shelf for all their patients to see. This provided a more human touch and made the process of frame selection seem so much more personal and real. The more successful retailers (eg. JB Hi-Fi, Dymocks) have been adopting this practice for years with good success so why not do what works for others!


Creating an emotional experience
Discover the difference
Superior customer experiences case study – Total Optical