The single most difficult thing to copy is exceptional customer service.

We live in a world where we are spoilt for choice, value and convenience, and the same cannot be said for good old fashioned, personalised customer service. The best performing retailers and service organisations understand that true growth occurs because their customers love doing business with them and sing their praises to neighbours, friends and colleagues. This is the only kind of growth that can be sustained over the long term. A face to face visit with your patient is the ideal time to create a WOW experience which generates positive word of mouth, patient loyalty and repeat visits.

ProWOW Experience at Ocean Eyes Optometrists in VIC

Imagine the stress of needing a repair done on your glasses only 2 days before leaving for a 6 week trip to outback Queensland. That was the problem a regular patient of Ocean Eyes faced when he came into the practice on a Friday needing an urgent repair done before he left early Monday morning. Kate, the practice manager, quickly realised after inspecting the glasses that it wasn’t going to be a repair she could do on site as she needed to order a new temple. Being a Friday, she knew the earliest she could receive the part would be Monday, and the patient would be gone before then. Express posting the frames wouldn’t work because the patient was staying on a station and wasn’t sure he would receive them there. Suddenly, Kate had a light bulb moment! She remembered that her husband was working in Laverton Saturday morning and their wonderful rep from Optique Line lived near by. She was able to organise the two men to meet and a new frame was delivered to their practice at 12:30 the next day. At 12:45 (they close at 1:00), Kate was able to ring the patient who immediately rushed down to collect the frames. The patient was over the moon and could not believe the service and lengths that the team at Ocean Eyes had gone through to ensure he would be able to enjoy his trip with perfect vision.

WOW Practice Presentation
Make it real
Vision therapy wall of fame