The single most difficult thing to copy is exceptional customer service.
We live in a world where we are spoilt for choice, value and convenience, and the same cannot be said for good old fashioned, personalised customer service. The best performing retailers and service organisations understand that true growth occurs because their customers love doing business with them and sing their praises to neighbours, friends and colleagues. This is the only kind of growth that can be sustained over the long term. A face to face visit with your patient is the ideal time to create a WOW experience which generates positive word of mouth, patient loyalty and repeat visits.
ProWOW Experience
This optometry practice has certainly embraced the notion that WOW experiences generate positive word of mouth, patient loyalty and repeat visits.
We have all heard the expression that it’s the little things in life that make a difference and so it is for this practice. With every pair of reading glasses, patients are provided with a beautifully wrapped book accompanied by a hand-written note, in this instance saying: “Enjoy your first pair of reading glasses. From the team at The Looking Glass Optometry”. The books are sourced from the Internet at a nominal cost of a couple of dollars and this small investment has tongues wagging and patients recommending the practice to family, friends and colleagues.