To move or not to move – that is one big question!
Your lens laboratory is one of the most important partners in your business. More often than not they represent around 50% of your product purchases, so it makes perfect sense that you deliberate long and hard before making any change.
A number of members have already decided to move all of their lab work to alternative suppliers, some have chosen to move a portion of their work and many of you have expressed an intention to wait to see what will happen as a consequence of the merger before you make any decision.
We take this opportunity to remind members that our Supplier Partners make a significant contribution to ProVision’s financial position and ask that you give priority to those labs who support your group.
As a truly independent practice, you can choose whatever path suits your circumstances best.
ProVision is here to assist you if you need any guidance and offers the following thoughts to help you in the process:
- Talk to all of our lab partners to establish who shares the same values as you and your practice
- Once you have confirmed that the price is competitive, find out what the lab will do over and above eg. training, marketing support, technology
- Try before you buy. One practice has used three different labs for a month each to test who delivered the best product and service experience
It does not make good business sense to have all of your eggs tied up in the one basket, so now is a good time to evaluate your options and make a well-considered decision.
Whether you move or not, a decision still needs to be made.